Category: About


By Peter, 2024-03-27

As a former musician, lawyer and journalist, I've had a few busy careers in my life. Today, I enjoy the luxury of time to pursue my passions of travel, fishing and photography. Having first gained access to a darkroom at college, I fell for the magic of producing my own black and white prints.

In the late 80's I switched from playing the saxophone with all sorts of people, in all sorts of places, to joining the Fourth Estate as a career choice.  While writing for newspapers and magazines, I armed myself with a camera and began supplying photographs to accompany the articles and features commissioned by many national newspapers and magazines, covering stories from as far afield as Eastern Europe and Cuba, as well as all over the UK.

Since retiring in 2019, I've been able to spend more time with my fishing rod and camera. I find that chasing sea trout, and good photographs, can often take me to the same places.  When I used to go down to the river with my fishing gear and camera equipment, I would rarely catch a good fish and capture a good photograph on the same outing. I now force myself to choose between cameras and fishing rods, but often regret my choice when I arrive at the river.

I love travelling and taking photographs.  While I'm lucky to live in a nice village in Fife,  Scotland with a five minute walk down to the river, I divide my time between there and, our other home in a mountain village in Central Bulgaria.  In recent years I've had time to explore other parts of Europe, and while I always find myself returning to the South of France,  over the last few years we have spent more time in Italy, and in Venice in particular.

As ever, I will be documenting my many travels.  Some of my images will no doubt make their way to the pages of this website.  I hope you enjoy them.


Posted in: About

About Peter

Coming soon!! 

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